Straight Arrow Hunt Lodge & BS Emporium

Founded, September 26, 1996

Don, President

Sancho, CEO

You asked about Sancho. That's Butch's way of teasing me. One time on a hunting trip we passed a big windmill in a field. Butch said " Hey, Don Quixote, there's a dragon for you to slay." Referring to The Man Of La Moncha. So I explained that I preferred to think of myself as Sancho, Don Quixote's side kick, who knew the truth of Don Quixote's delusions, and attempted to keep him out of trouble, and that Sancho, while not terribly brave, was the smart one of the two. So since then whenever the subject of intelligence comes up Butch calls me Sancho.
Ah Sancho, a constant reminder, at'll learn you bout wanderin off, wonderful memories though.

Doris' Embellished Truth Corner